Friday 9 October 2015


I’m a survivor. Well I’m not really sure how long I’ll survive. I am 68 years old, a senior citizen, yes. I’m lucky that I’m still alive especially in this kind of living. Though I’m feeling very weak, I have to live for my husband, children and grandchildren. If I don’t, they might also end up dying and lose hope.
Twenty years had passed since the last time I saw how life was out there. Life is really different now, especially here. Since hunger struck the world, we started living underground. This is the safest place so far. The government officials were the ones who brought us here. That was when we knew that cannibals invaded the country. There are only about a hundred of families who were saved in our country. Every day, one or two people here give up and just die. Fifty years ago, population growth is one of the main problems in our country. But now, population seems impossible to grow. Instead, foods’ prices grow. Because of limited sources, it became so high that even rich people can’t afford to buy. Most people eat almost once a day. That is why, they started eating themselves. I am hungry too, so are my children and my grandchildren but we chose not to eat ourselves. We still believe that there is hope in this kind of situation. For us to survive, the government sets out at least ten soldiers everyday to go out there and look for left out meats or plants for the people down here to eat. Each of us is given equal servings. We eat twice a day. A hand-full of rice is already enough for us to survive a single day. We get water by digging deep in the land where we’re standing. We take a bath twice a week. I pity the children who are getting sick. I hear sobs everywhere and I can’t help but cry too. As much as I want to help, I can’t. My husband and I are too old to even get food and medicine for ourselves. I salute the government for they’re also not losing hope and they’re doing everything they can to help us survive. When I was younger, I use to hear my professors say the phrase “limited sources and unlimited wants.” We never gave time to understand the meaning of that phrase. We only think of what we want and never cared about what we only have. I never thought that future would be this worse. During my teenage years, I thought that future would have flying cars and advanced houses. Robots and machines that could help make our job easier. We were so abusive of what we have before. We took advantage of technology. We wasted our chance to conserve our resources. We were so sure of what future could have been. All of a sudden, the beautiful imagination turned into a nightmare.
Today is February 24, 2063, everybody’s in panic. I told my husband to never leave my side. I begged my children to save their lives and just leave us behind. The cannibals found our hide out. We have nowhere to go. Our feet are too brittle to run so we decided to stay. We’re just hiding inside a small cave down here. We’ve been here for a day already. I don’t know what could happen to us, to my family or the people who ran. All I have with me is prayers. Maybe I should stop writing but I don’t know what else to do here. But whatever may happen, I am happy that I have lived my life to the fullest. I can die now.

Written By,

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