Monday 7 September 2015



A cloud of dust blows into my face as I open my house door. The ground is dry and cracking. Luckily, I am wearing my full face mask with my oxygen tank. It’s very heavy and uncomfortable. It makes my face all sweaty but without it I don’t think I could survive. My robotic maid, EO124 lugs my entire luggage out the door into the hovercraft, where it will take us to the spaceship.

It is the year 2700 and our Earth has finally given out. We, humans can no longer survive here. All water has dried out. Trees and every form of plant life gone. It is lucky the government has saved a few samples of all kinds of plants to recreate in the ‘New World’. The ‘New World’ is another planet that scientists discovered in another galaxy in the 2500s. Since then, the government has been preparing us to move there. There is no hope in rejuvenating the Earth.

There are 5 huge and fully equipped spaceships that travel at the speed of light. Despite how fast it can go, I nor my children and maybe not even my great grandchildren will be able to really step foot on the ‘New World’ because it is very far away. My family and I are on the last spaceship as my father is the captain of this spaceship. I am one of the last few human beings to board our spaceship. EO124 helps me bring my luggage into my tiny room, then she is brought to Headquarters to deactivate. Everyone on board the spaceship is not allowed to use any kind of robotic help. Only the people who are activating the spaceship or working in Headquarters have access to robots.

The government believes that our kind is becoming too dependent on technology and it is making us lazy. Therefore on board, we are all going to be taught how to do simple things on our own that any robot could do in just a blink of an eye such as making coffee, cleaning and even making food. I never knew people in the past had to prepare their food! I thought it just came out from a processor like how it does now.

The government hopes to start a new in the ‘New World ‘and I do too. I heard it was so peaceful and calming in the past. People could actually breathe without having to wear masks and they didn’t have to buy oxygen. Water was so easy to get and it apparently tasted so fresh and clean unlike now where it tastes like dusty air. I really hope the new generation learns from all the mistakes made by humans in the past. I really hope they preserve what they are given and I hope they know that all the money and power are NOTHING without clean water and clean air that we need to survive.

1 comment:

  1. It is a nice description of the future, etc. However, it has no plot to make it a story. This might be the prologue to a long story, ie novel.
