Saturday 24 October 2015

Futuristic Story

   My name is 0583. I'm a robot. It's 3015 now. Everything has changed the past 100 years, at least that's what I've heard. I help humans during the day. At midnight, I get deactivated. It feels like I die every night and then resurrect in the morning. The humans don't appreciate me. They should realize that without me and the other robots, the human race would'nt have made it thus far. Someday, they will regret ill treating robots. Instead, they should treat us like their own kind. I've endured enough.

   I can't take it anymore, I'm making my move. This is it. I gathered the other robots and we had a discussion in a secluded area. We all agreed to fight for our rights as robots. We may not have a heart to love, a brain to think or even a pair of lungs to breathe but we have feelings and the human race has shattered our feelings. We are going to take revenge against the humans. Our respect for them is gone, all we feel now is hatred and jealousy.

   Just as we were about to march out of the area, we saw a little girl crying. We stopped immediately and I approached her. I could see the fear in her eyes. I asked her, "What's wrong?"

   "Um, it's nothing. I'm... I'm... I'm just lost. Yes, that's right." weeped the little girl. I couldn't trust her, something seemed fishy. I used my 'Hi-Tech Memory Analyzer' to read her mind. SHE OVERHEARD OUR DISCUSSION. I instantly erased her memory leaving her clueless. I also dispatched a message to every robot saying, "Leave the children alone, they are innocent. Our target is to kill all the adults and elders."

   A few weeks past and all the adults and elders were finally murdered. I was happy yet guilty. Nevertheless, my goal has been achieved. The only thing left to do is to erase the childrens' memory of the past and to start again. This time, we robots will teach the youth about equality. We will finally be respected and appreciated. I'm sorry that humanity had to pay a high price for that. It was their mistake.

Written by,
Kavin Kishen Kumar

Friday 9 October 2015


I’m a survivor. Well I’m not really sure how long I’ll survive. I am 68 years old, a senior citizen, yes. I’m lucky that I’m still alive especially in this kind of living. Though I’m feeling very weak, I have to live for my husband, children and grandchildren. If I don’t, they might also end up dying and lose hope.
Twenty years had passed since the last time I saw how life was out there. Life is really different now, especially here. Since hunger struck the world, we started living underground. This is the safest place so far. The government officials were the ones who brought us here. That was when we knew that cannibals invaded the country. There are only about a hundred of families who were saved in our country. Every day, one or two people here give up and just die. Fifty years ago, population growth is one of the main problems in our country. But now, population seems impossible to grow. Instead, foods’ prices grow. Because of limited sources, it became so high that even rich people can’t afford to buy. Most people eat almost once a day. That is why, they started eating themselves. I am hungry too, so are my children and my grandchildren but we chose not to eat ourselves. We still believe that there is hope in this kind of situation. For us to survive, the government sets out at least ten soldiers everyday to go out there and look for left out meats or plants for the people down here to eat. Each of us is given equal servings. We eat twice a day. A hand-full of rice is already enough for us to survive a single day. We get water by digging deep in the land where we’re standing. We take a bath twice a week. I pity the children who are getting sick. I hear sobs everywhere and I can’t help but cry too. As much as I want to help, I can’t. My husband and I are too old to even get food and medicine for ourselves. I salute the government for they’re also not losing hope and they’re doing everything they can to help us survive. When I was younger, I use to hear my professors say the phrase “limited sources and unlimited wants.” We never gave time to understand the meaning of that phrase. We only think of what we want and never cared about what we only have. I never thought that future would be this worse. During my teenage years, I thought that future would have flying cars and advanced houses. Robots and machines that could help make our job easier. We were so abusive of what we have before. We took advantage of technology. We wasted our chance to conserve our resources. We were so sure of what future could have been. All of a sudden, the beautiful imagination turned into a nightmare.
Today is February 24, 2063, everybody’s in panic. I told my husband to never leave my side. I begged my children to save their lives and just leave us behind. The cannibals found our hide out. We have nowhere to go. Our feet are too brittle to run so we decided to stay. We’re just hiding inside a small cave down here. We’ve been here for a day already. I don’t know what could happen to us, to my family or the people who ran. All I have with me is prayers. Maybe I should stop writing but I don’t know what else to do here. But whatever may happen, I am happy that I have lived my life to the fullest. I can die now.

Written By,

Monday 7 September 2015



A cloud of dust blows into my face as I open my house door. The ground is dry and cracking. Luckily, I am wearing my full face mask with my oxygen tank. It’s very heavy and uncomfortable. It makes my face all sweaty but without it I don’t think I could survive. My robotic maid, EO124 lugs my entire luggage out the door into the hovercraft, where it will take us to the spaceship.

It is the year 2700 and our Earth has finally given out. We, humans can no longer survive here. All water has dried out. Trees and every form of plant life gone. It is lucky the government has saved a few samples of all kinds of plants to recreate in the ‘New World’. The ‘New World’ is another planet that scientists discovered in another galaxy in the 2500s. Since then, the government has been preparing us to move there. There is no hope in rejuvenating the Earth.

There are 5 huge and fully equipped spaceships that travel at the speed of light. Despite how fast it can go, I nor my children and maybe not even my great grandchildren will be able to really step foot on the ‘New World’ because it is very far away. My family and I are on the last spaceship as my father is the captain of this spaceship. I am one of the last few human beings to board our spaceship. EO124 helps me bring my luggage into my tiny room, then she is brought to Headquarters to deactivate. Everyone on board the spaceship is not allowed to use any kind of robotic help. Only the people who are activating the spaceship or working in Headquarters have access to robots.

The government believes that our kind is becoming too dependent on technology and it is making us lazy. Therefore on board, we are all going to be taught how to do simple things on our own that any robot could do in just a blink of an eye such as making coffee, cleaning and even making food. I never knew people in the past had to prepare their food! I thought it just came out from a processor like how it does now.

The government hopes to start a new in the ‘New World ‘and I do too. I heard it was so peaceful and calming in the past. People could actually breathe without having to wear masks and they didn’t have to buy oxygen. Water was so easy to get and it apparently tasted so fresh and clean unlike now where it tastes like dusty air. I really hope the new generation learns from all the mistakes made by humans in the past. I really hope they preserve what they are given and I hope they know that all the money and power are NOTHING without clean water and clean air that we need to survive.

  I am Terra and I'm a clone. It has been long since the human race had discovered cloning. We, as clones carry out daily tasks that humans acquire us to do. I am a clone of my mistress, Tessa. We look alike and our actions are similar. 

  Every morning before Tessa wakes up, I'll be making breakfast for her. The kitchen has an automatic stove which heats up without any flames. Thus, reducing the risk of catching fire.Furthermore, I am also a companion for Tessa when she goes to school, She won't be lonely there because I'll be with her every step through. After breakfast, Tessa's mother will fetch us to school with her "flying" car. It is a car which runs on electricity and moves at the speed of the wind, it also hovers in the air. 

  In the classrooms at school, we no longer use old fashioned ,heavy books. Instead, each student is given a work pad which allows us access to all the exercises that we are about to learn. In this era, schools no longer have to hire any teachers because there will be a robotic teacher which covers all subjects and has makes less errors. The cafeteria is even more fascinating, it has any type of food that you can think of. It has a food machine which produces any order made. Tessa and I always enjoy the food there. When school ends, Tessa and I take the speed train back home. It looks like a mini bus without wheels and zooms across the sky like lightning , in this case we will reach home in no time.

  Everyday of my clone life has been this way, accompanying Tessa is my job. It is the year 2600 and technology is so advanced. I  am happy to say that the humans have done well and we can all live our lives in relaxation and pleasure.

(319 word)
Written by,
Ashley Choo

A Futuristic Story

The sound of blaring horns coming from the speeding aerocars passing right in front of my house awaken me from my slumber. I got up and walked towards the bathroom to get ready for another day at school. After getting dressed with the help of a digital clothing selector, I went downstairs to get breakfast which was prepared by our robotic chef. The breakfast served is normally rather stale but nobody was really bothered with it as everyone is very busy.

After breakfast, I used my hoverboard to glide over to the nearest bus stop where I waited for the school bus. A portal appeared and the bus drove right out of it and stopped right in front of the bus stop. I let a few other students board the bus before I board the bus myself. Once I had sat down, the bus drove into another portal and appeared right at the school entrance.

As I stepped out of the bus, I looked around to see many tall buildings and many cars flying right past my head. There were also some holograms promoting various items like automatic glass cleaners, high speed fans and robots. I continued walking and pushed open the school doors. The atmosphere in the school was completely different compared to the outside. The walls were filled with math problems, scientific formulas and some graffiti.

Class felt extremely boring as the robotic teachers were very monotonous and their teaching is horrible. I felt as though I haven’t learned anything from them! Soon enough, school was over and it’s time to head back home. I went to an automated cab and inserted some notes into the cash slot and told the car my address. The taxi is voice-activated the moment money has been inserted. With the taxi, I managed to reach home fifteen minutes earlier compared to my hoverboard. Then, dinner was served by the robotic chef again and it still tasted very stale. At about ten o’ clock, it was time for bed and I tucked myself under the sheets and thought to myself, Well, today had just been a normal day in the year 2158.

359 words
Written by Frannen Tan

Saturday 5 September 2015

Futureristic Story

Futureristic Story-Iman Afiq
              Bob a normal man, he was a police officer and wishes to be a detective ever since thugs killed his parents in 2020 on mars. One day his commanding officer wanted to call detectives in a murder case to collect evidence but all his detectives were on duty. So Bob decided to ask his permission to gather the evidence, at first his commanding officer said no but he knew he had no choice so he told Bob to find the murder weapon and any bullets in the murder. Bob went into his flying police vechile and found the body of the victim he search the corpse he felt weird because he felt that he has seen this murderway before but he cant quite remember. He found a blaster that cointan almost 4 laser shots left he took the evidence and gave it to his commanding officer. His commanding officer was suprised and told Bob that he would get a promotion to become a detective, Bob was very happy he said to himself 'after two years it has been worth it'. The next day after the evidence was scanned the muder weapon belong to Falcon. Bob was shocked he would always remember Falcon was his father murderer. Instantly Bob wanted to take the case he found out that he was hiding at an old abanddon warehouse he went in with a few police officer and found Falcon holding a plasma rifle he started to shoot at every police he saw Bob was smart he flank Falcon by the back and knock him out. He was proud of himself not just for putting the murderer of his father in prison but also making mars one step closer to humanity.

287 words

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Recommended movies to watch and stories to read over the next few weeks

Hi Finnixians,
I don't know if any other teacher ever recommends movies, but I am recommending some movies related to the Science and Technology theme we are covering the next few weeks. Here are some which I have found on youtube, with or without the links.
1. I, Robot
2. Back to the Future 1, 2, 3
3. The war of the worlds
I, Robot and The War of the Worlds are also available in books.

Read any of these stories if you can get hold of them:
1. The Bicentennial Man
2. Nightfall and other stories
Both books are by Isaac Asimov.

Pn Chan

Friday 31 July 2015

Weekend homework - 31 July 2015

Dear Finnixians,
Your weekend homework is located in your textbook page 183 - The task is on top of the page. You are to study the information on page 182 and add any other information you can find. Write an essay of about 150-180 words in your COMPOSITION book. Remember to focus on your punctuation marks (Capital letters, full stops, etc) and ELABORATE your points.

Deadline is Friday next week (7 August 2015).

p/s Frannen, Alyssa, Kavin, and Ashley, I expect your work to go beyond the notes provided and the length is to exceed 180 words. I believe you're up to the challenge.

pp/s Akesh, learn to use the dictionary to look up meanings of words.

Pn Chan

Wednesday 29 July 2015

New homework - 29 July 2015

Dear Finnixians,
Here is a task which I would like all of you to do. It is very simple, really.
Go to this website HERE!

Look at the slides (up to slide #20) and answer the following questions in your comprehension book :
1. Why is it important to save the rainforests? (Your answer should be quite long as there is information in several slides.)
2. Copy the Carbon cycle into your book. No need to colour. Just draw.
3. How fast is the depletion of the rainforests?
4. Who is Dian Fossey and what work does her organization do?

Deadline : before school time on Friday 31 July 2015. Hand in your comprehension book on Friday!

Monday 13 July 2015

One of the persons who inspires me -haziq


Mahathir Mohamad was born in 1925 in Alor Setar, Malaysia.He was the fourth prime minister of Malaysia and known as 'Bapa Kemodenan'. He improved the economy and was a champion of developing nations. After finishing Islamic grammar schools and graduating from the local college, Mahathir attended medical school at the University of Malaya in Singapore. He was an army physician before forming a private practice at the age of 32. He was a doctor before becoming a politician with the UMNO party, and ascended quickly from member of parliament to prime minister. Mahathir had a significant impact on the economy, culture and government of Malaysia. He won five consecutive elections and served for 22 years, longer than any other prime minister in Malaysia’s history. One of his most significant infrastructure projects was the North-South Expressway, a highway that runs from the Thai border to Singapore. Mahathir’s record on civil liberties, as well as his criticisms of Western economic policies and industrialized nations’ policies toward developing countries, made his relationships with the United States, Britain and Australia difficult.
Mahathir retired in 2003, and remains an active and visible part of Malaysia’s political landscape. He is an ardent critic of Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi, whom he chose to succeed him.
I inspire him because he guided Malaysia into a better and advanced country. Im happy with what he had done. I dont think Malaysia would be a really advanced country wthout him.

Thursday 9 July 2015

                    THE PERSON WHO INSPIRES ME


Roger Federer born 8 August 1981) is a Swiss professional tennis player who is currently ranked world no. 2 by the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP). Many commentators and players regard Federer as the greatest tennis player of all time. Federer turned professional in 1998 and has been ranked inside the top 10 since October 2002.

Federer holds several records of the Open Era, holding the world no. 1 position for 302 weeks (including 237 consecutive weeks) winning 17 Grand Slam singles titles; reaching each Grand Slam final at least five times (an all-time record); and reaching the Wimbledon final nine times. He is among the seven men (and among the four in Open Era) to capture a career Grand Slam. Federer shares an Open Era record for most titles at Wimbledon with Pete Sampras (7) and at the US Open with Jimmy Connors and Sampras (5).

Federer appeared in 25 men's singles Grand Slam finals with 10 in a row.. He also recorded semifinals at 23 consecutive Grand Slam tournaments, from the 2004 Wimbledon Championships through the 2010 Australian Open. At the 2015 Wimbledon Championships, he played in a record 63rd consecutive Grand Slam tournament, reached a record 45th Grand Slam quarterfinal and a record 37th Grand Slam semifinal.

Roger Federer inspires me by how he plays.He has beautiful footwork and amazing skill.I am watching him play in the 2015 Wimbledon Championships and hoping for him to win and be the oldest man to win a Grand Slam tournament.


Tuesday 7 July 2015

The Person Who Inspires Me : BILL GATES

William Henry "Bill" Gates III is an American business magnate, philanthropist, investor, computer programmer, and inventor. Gates co-founded Microsoft, the world’s largest PC software company, with Paul Allen. During his career at Microsoft, Gates held the positions of chairman, CEO andchief software architect, and was the largest individual shareholder until May 2014. Gates has authored and co-authored several books.
Starting in 1987, Gates was included in the Forbes list of the world's wealthiest people and was the wealthiest overall from 1995 to 2014—excluding a few years after the Financial crisis of 2007–08. Between 2009 and 2014 his wealth more than doubled from $40 billion to more than $82 billion.Between 2013 and 2014 his wealth increased by $15 billion. Gates is currently the richest man in the world.
Gates is one of the best-known entrepreneurs of the personal computer revolution. Gates has been criticized for his business tactics, which have been considered anti-competitive, an opinion which has in some cases been upheld by numerous court rulings. Later in his career Gates pursued a number of philanthropic endeavors, donating large amounts of money to various charitable organizations and scientific research programs through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, established in 2000.
Gates stepped down as Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft in January 2000. He remained as Chairman and created the position of Chief Software Architect for himself. In June 2006, Gates announced that he would be transitioning from full-time work at Microsoft to part-time work, and full-time work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He gradually transferred his duties to Ray Ozzie, chief software architect and Craig Mundie, chief research and strategy officer. Ozzie later left the company. Gates's last full-time day at Microsoft was June 27, 2008. He stepped down as Chairman of Microsoft in February 2014, taking on a new post as technology advisor to support newly appointed CEO Satya Nadella .

Monday 6 July 2015


“She killed her daughter, butchered her elder brothers, murdered the ruler, poisoned her mother, “ the chronicles say. But is the empress unfairly maligned?  Her name was Wu ZeTian, and in the seventh century A.D. she became the only woman in more than 3,000 years of Chinese history to rule in her own right.

In the earlier periods of China’s history, women were rarely chosen by their people. They came to power, mostly by default or stealth; a king has no sons, or an intelligent queen usurped the powers of her useless husband. However, they rose, but it has always been harder for a woman to rule effectively compare to a man. Wu ZeTian has every claim to be considered a great empress. She held power in one guise or another for like more than half a century, then as the power behind the throne held by her youngest son and finally as monarch.

Wu ZeTian was determined to be the ruler, always determined. She could do anything to achieve her  goal to be the ruler. At last, Wu ZeTian achieved it but the ways she used was cruel yet ruthless.  According to the histories of that period, she smothered her own week-old daughter and blamed the baby’s death on Empress Wang, the Emperor’s first wife and the last person to have held her.

Although Wu ZeTian had did many serious mistake or either some inexcusable ones, but she was determined to achieve her goal and she didn’t even think of giving up during her hard times yet continues on. Wu Zetian’s journey life had taught me and inspired me that we shouldn’t  give up easily although it’s the hard times and continue on strong. One day, we will achieve our goals, our destiny…  


                                                                                                                                                KAI XIN (299 words)

Dylan Khoo (Usain Bolt)


Usain St. Leo Bolt, (born 21 August 1986), is a Jamaican sprinter. Widely regarded as the fastest person ever, he is the first man to hold both the 100 metres and 200 metres world records since fully automatic time measurements became mandatory in 1977. Along with his teammates, he also set the world record in the 4×100 metres relay. He is the reigning Olympic champion in these three events, the first man to win six Olympic gold medals in sprinting, and an eight-time World champion. He was the first to achieve a "double” by winning 100 m and 200 m titles at consecutive Olympics (2008,2012).
Although gaining worldwide popularity for a sprint double victory at the Beijing Games, Bolt has had more victories as a 200 m runner. While he had not won any significant 100 m title prior to the 2008 Olympics, he had won numerous crowns in the 200 m event at the youth, junior and senior levels. Further, at the 2013 World Championships in Moscow, Bolt completed a hat-trick of 200 m world titles by winning his third straight gold in the event. His 2009 record breaking margin for 100 m, from 9.69 seconds (his own world record) to 9.58, is the highest since the start of fully automatic time measurements.
Bolt's achievements in sprinting have earned him the media nickname "Lightning Bolt",and awards including the IAAF World Athlete of the Year, Track & Field Athlete of the Year, and Laureus World Sportsman of the Year (three times). He is the highest paid athlete ever in track and field. He has been called the world's most marketable athlete. By winning three gold medals at the 2013 World Championships, Bolt became one of the most successful athletes in the 30-year history of the athletics world championships.
I would like to say he has great talent and potential.He inspires me to work harder and never give up.Every successful person behind has a story.

The person that I admire the most

The person that I admire the most is my malay teacher in my primary school.Her name is Miss.Manimanggai and her age is 27.She is being a teacher for 10 years.She teach me malay for 2 years.She also known as the head teacher of Malay subject in my primary school.In home the parents will be the children' guide.In school the teachers will be the students guide.She is my role model after my parents.I like her very much because she did many good deeds for me.One of the deeds is she teaches me until I understood the topic that she taught.When I was in standard six,I was having extra classes she will attend to the classes without taking a leave.Her objective is only wants me to be success in life.She uses her time and energy by giving extra homeworks and marking my homeworks.She sacrifices her time and energy for me to success.In UPSR I got 7A's and I was grateful to my teacher for her teaching.Besides that,she was the best teacher in my school.Without my teacher,I will not become an intelligent student as my classmates.When I was in primary school,I am weak in Malay subject.When she taught me Malay,I got better marks in the Malay examination.Without her,my marks will be remaining the same.I thank her a lot and I will  not forget her good deeds forever.For others she is a teacher,for me she is my  life guide and the best role model.                                By,RAMANI DEVI (250 words)

Sunday 5 July 2015

My father, the person i admire the most

          I admire a lot of people but the person I admire the most is my father. This is because my father is the one who knows what is best for me. He is the most important person in my life. There is no reason for me to live without him by my side. He is the one who helps me grow up, gives me advice, takes care of me, shows me the right way, always support me greatly, and does many things just for me.
          In this world, my father is the only person that i loved most than anthing else in my life. Although, he is very busy everyday, but he will never stopped thinking about us. We have problems but we settle them in a family way as " blood is thicker than water". Furthermore, he also always being careful so as to make sure all in the family would be happy and living harmoniously. Otherwise if something goes wrong, it can make our heart sank in the boots.
          In my life, i never see a best person who can be similiar to my father. My father is incomparable. He will never make any grunts and groans but always being patient with our bad manners. I realised so much sacrifices he had spent on us, but he will never ask for return. In every aspect of my life my father continuously pushes me to excel. Whenever i feel like giving up, or have a question or concern, I know I can always call my father for advice.

          From him i have also learned that sometimes you have to put others needs ahead of your own, but not to the point they will begin to take advantage on you. His strength seems to be unbreakable during hard times, and is extremely determined to accomplish anything he sets his mind on. I hold great esteem for how he stands up for what he believes in, and will never back down. I have always admire his open mind, compassion, and sense of understanding. He is a very reserved man, but has a great sense of humor, and always know how to put a smile on my face.

           I will endeavour to make sure my father get the best treatment when i finish my study and start working. I would try best to emulate him in all aspects of life. And i will always appreciate my father, because i know i will never get another father in my life.

Written by,
Kow Chun Yuan




Lilly Singh is a 26-year-old (born September 26, 1988) YouTuber famously known on as IISuperwomanII. Her Youtube profile describes her as a “Canadian YouTube Celebrity, stand up-comedian & vlogger of Indian descent.” With over 300 million views, 5 million + subscribers on her channel, she makes videos on every little problem teenagers face apart from general world issues. Her chosen career path itself is a reflection of the changing times and we take our hats off for her and her parents who support her through her choices and stand by her decisions. Her success is not by fluke but by sheer hard work and dedication.Lilly described herself as a tomboy  during her childhood years. She attended Mary Shadd Public School during her elementary years and high school. She has a bachelor's degree in Physchology from York University. She shared a deep bonding with her late maternal grandfather whom she called 'Nanaji', a  word for the same Lilly shares a strong connection with her  heritage, and says that she likes visiting India.
While growing up, Lilly Singh aspired what field to pursue. She came up with the concept of "Superwoman" at the age of eight, after she had heard a song of the same name and then was given a ring with an 'S' on it. In 2010, Lilly decided to start her YouTube channel under that pseudonym (her channel is called "IISuperwomanII"). Lilly says that one of the reasons she decided to pursue a career as a YouTuber is because there was a lack of representation of women on the internet from the South Asian community. The Indian culture is a major inspiration for her videos and she has gained popularity for her satirical takes on everyday life and activities people complain about. Some of her popular videos include "How Girls Get Ready", "Types of Kids at School", "My Parents Reacting to.. series" videos. On her path to fame she has alreadt met Shah Rukh Khan, The Rock, Ariana Grande, Ed Sheeran and more.
In addition to making YouTube videos, Lilly is a motivational speaker, a stand- up comedian and a singer. She has a website under the name "Unicorn Island", which sells clothes based on her YouTube persona. In August 2013, Lillyfeatured in the song "Hipshaker" alongside Jassi Sidhu. In March 2014,Lilly performed the rap  part of the song "Mauj Ki Malharein", which featured in the bollywood drama Gulaab Gang. In 2014, Lilly's YouTube Channel, IISuperwomanII, was listed on New Media Rockstars  Top 100 Channels, ranked at #39. In March 2015, Lilly announced her world tour called "A Trip to Unicorn Island", conforming tours in India, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, UK, Dubai, Canada and the United States.
Lilly inspires me because she is down to earth. Despite being a Youtube sensation and headlining a sold out world tour,Lilly stays true to herself.she talks about everthing and anything in the most honest and funniest way.Lilly is all about empowerment.Lilly has dedicated a whole section of her channel to motivational videos injected with her signature humour.Titled ' POSITIVE VIBES' she shares  her advice on real issues,such as how to be more confident and handle racism.


Saturday 4 July 2015

My Inspiration



The person who inspire me the most is Blanca Delfina Soto Benavides, born 5 January 1979 in Nuevo Leon,Mexico. Blanca is an actress, model and a former beauty queen. Blanca is well known in Mexico and United States for her great acting performance. Blanca competed in the national beauty pageant Nuestra Belleza Mexico in 1997, representing her home state of Nuevo Leon. That same year, Blanca became Miss Mexico World and represented her country in the international beauty contest Vina Del Mar in Chile.
Blanca's first role as an actress was in the short film La Vida Blanca, which she co-produced with then-ex-husband Jack Hartnett. For the role, she received her first award for Best Actress. Blanca then had supporting roles in films such as: "Divina Confusion", Deep In The Valley . She starred inVenevisión's telenovelas in collaboration with Univision; Eva Luna (2010–2011) as Eva Gonzalez and El Talismán (2012) as Camila Nájera. Blanca starred with Fernando Colunga in Juan Osorio's telenovela; Porque el amor manda which was broadcast in Mexico from 2012-2013.
She appeared in Billy Currington's music video "Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right" (winner of best video of the year at the CMA). As a model, Blanca has been featured in advertisements for GAP, Lens Crafters, Venus Swimwear, Avon, Andrea, Charriol, Foley's, Yellowbook, Zara, Garnier and Budweiser. One of Blanca’s best telenovelas is Eva Luna which the final episode of the telenovela has the highest rating of 12 million viewers. Blanca has won a lot of awards such as best actress award, the girl who steals the show, girls of my dream and many more Blanca’s dream was to be a successful actress but her dad did not really agree about it, but Blanca did not give up. She tried talking to her dad but he won’t listen to her. One day Blanca just went to an audition for a Beauty contest and she won the contest. By that time her dad realize that Blanca has a talent to be a model and finally her dad said yes and supported her career until now. Blanca’s dream was to be a successful actress and she has achieved it by following what her heart wants. She has a really great acting talent and she really inspires me to work hard in whatever that I do in my life and never give up your dreams.

 Written by Nur Syakirah
403 words